>>>>We joined a local organic co-op this summer that has become the highlight of our week! The kids have experienced life on a farm by milking cows, chasing piglets and feeding the horses. Each week our basket is full of fresh organic blackberries and veggies of all sorts! We have made some great friends too.
>>>>Our chickens are growing up and we check every morning for eggs.....not yet. The bunny has decided to live under the chicken coop and amazingly enough the chickens don't mind.
>>>>We all have been playing golf together in the early evenings after the temp. has cooled a bit. It has been a little frustrating for me since I haven't picked up a club in about 8 years. I'm hanging in there.
>>>>We have had time for lots of craft projects and I have been working on making my kids lunch Eco-friendly by making re-usable snack bags and napkins. Time has allowed me to make some new clothes for my children and work on some domestic sewing too!
>>>>Weekend trips to Louisville to see what traffic is like and enjoy some time with family!
>>>>Started a butterfly and moth collection. Which is sometimes sad for my sweet L.....she has to spend time with them before we put them in the freezer.
>>>>Weekly trips to the library to get out of the heat! (oh, and the occasional snow-cone after)
>>>>In the fall, I will be teaching a class for Murray State......Elementary Art Ed. which I am very excited about!! Now I am planning my projects and working on my syllabus.............
Hope you are enjoying your summer making memories too!!