Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

Here we have one Luke Skywalker.......specifically from the movie "Return of the Jedi". Which I believe is the only movie he wears all black. Then we have little miss "Snow Princess" or "White Kitty" or "Lamb"......she kinda morphed from one to the other. I like a versatile costume that can be worn for years to come! It was so nice having it on Saturday and the help of a bright sky with the full moon. Although, I noticed that L scored much more candy than K.......I guess the "cute" factor is an advantage when it comes to portions on Halloween. Last year K told everyone he was allergic to nuts and made out pretty good.....receiving money at some houses. This year he had a different strategy, he traded his "contaminated" candy with is friend for stuff he could eat. Clever Kid. Hope you all had a good one too!

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