Tuesday, February 24, 2009
More Campfire Totes in the works!!
Hello, I have been fighting off a cough and sniffles the past few days......but, I am stitching here and there and wanted to give a quick up date on my store. I will be posting several Campfire totes soon! I recently posted some Cars totes and Island totes that can be seen in my store now. If there is something particular you are looking for?.......Please feel free to convo me. I am also, coming out with a new one for the spring!!!! So, stay tuned.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thank You Ohdeedoh!!
I feel really grateful today! I have received several nice features in the past couple of weeks that have given my work much attention. It has been very nice, hmmm....that's probably an understatement. It has been exciting, exhilarating, thankful, and the list goes on......So, last night I was checking my etsy store to find an abnormal amount of activity going on with my hearts (esty's way to bookmark favorites). Maybe, there was another feature on my work somewhere out there? Luckily for me google analytics answers all those questions, but not until the next day. Here it is the next day, checking my analytics report to find at the top of the referring sites to be.......Ohdeedoh! First thought, no way, that is amazing! It was just a click away....and taadah! Yes, they did a feature on my work! Ohdeedoh just happens to be one of my favorite children's design sites, I was at a loss for words. Thank you Ohdeedoh. If you don't know about Ohdeedoh, well, it is a subdivision of Apartment Therapy. They feature only the coolest most hip designs, I am very honoured to even be mentioned. Have a great day! I know I will!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Nesting Rockers

Friday, February 13, 2009
Shopping List Saturday

Good morning all! These are a few of my favorites I found this week. I think sparrowsfart is hilarious, the name not the work. Evidently sparrowsfart is an Australian slang word that means dawn, funny! I really enjoy her little horses, they have such attitude. Then the top image, lillalotta's work is perfect for gift giving. Sweet little house garland and some decorative dolls fill her shop based in France. Last, I found this chair fabric, perfect for making a little girls dress out of, I just love to use unpredictable prints in my daughters clothing, I think it makes them extra hip! All worth checking out! You can find the list of other bloggers who make Saturday lists in the right sidebar of Charlotte's blog. Cheers......Have a great Day!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Cool Mom Picks Feature!

You know the old saying "when it rains it pours"? Well, it has happened to me the past couple of weeks in an oh so spectacular way!! I have now landed on coolmompicks.com!! My Discovery Totes are featured there today and with a super bonus! You must read the feature to find out! Yay, Helicopter Studios!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
The New Game of Tag
Sunday, February 8, 2009

I came across this children's toy the other day and looked with amazement! I think it is brilliant. How much fun could a child have with one of these. It is beautiful to look at, which is where I have a problem with most children's toys. I can't "live" with objects that I don't like to look at everyday. This is one that you couldn't put away and really why would you. I love the open ended playability that is offered to the child. Then the symbolism behind the tree shelter is by far the smartest concept for a toy I have ever heard. I'm just jealous I didn't think of it first.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Indie Fixx Feature

I could not believe my eyes! On this blog I have some of my favorite blogs and websites under blogroll on my side bar. I love this feature because it gives you up to date postings that are on those choice sites. So, I am having my morning coffee and checking out some of my favorites when, I see under Indie Fixx is Discovery Totes by Helicopter Studios! It was a total surprise to see, especially because I rarely see a posting about kid products. The feature was short and sweet but provided the reader with lots of images. Sometimes pictures speak louder than words! Thank you Indie Fixx for your very nice feature!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Someone is Stalking Me!

Today I received a very nice email from Beatrice the curator at Etsy Stalker informing me that she included one of my Discovery Totes in her latest exhibit. "Confessions of an Etsy Stalker" is an on-line museum of Etsy arts and crafts. Beatrice believes there are two kinds of people necessary in the arts. First, there are the artists and then there are the people who appreciate the arts. Her website focuses on promoting and helping professional artists and their passions. This website is a fantastic way to find information on etsy sellers your might not know about and listen to why she has picked them to be her favorites. So, click over and at least read my latest on line feature!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
A Gift for a Sweetie
These are heart necklaces that hold little clothes pin dolls. They are made of wool felt and fabric, the ribbon is approx. 20 inches so it is easy to slide over the head. I have already given each of my kids one and they played with the dolls on the playground all afternoon. If you are wondering, I made a boy doll for my son, with little pants. I guess I need to add some of those to my shop too! I don't know about the other moms out there but, my kids love to have "take alongs" when ever we are running arrands or going to play. They always want to bring a little something like a doll, car, stufftie etc... So, this is perfect when they get tired of holding the doll it can be tucked away inside the little heart. Each of the dolls are dressed in outfits that match the heart that carries them. Check them out in my store this week!
clothespin dolls,
current work,
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