Saturday, August 8, 2009

Project Handmade House

Long ago when I was just a wee one my parents befriended a crafty couple while we were living in Texas. This doll house was built by the crafty couple and then gifted to me! Those of you that don't know....I grew up in the military. My dad was a helicopter pilot and his course of duty lead us to a new place every three years. So, you guessed it, the doll house was moved from here to there and everywhere. The couple must have had great impact on my mom because we didn't hold on to lots of things. After my daughter was born in 2004 my mom passed the doll house to me. This is what it looks like now......half of the roof is missing and there are quite a few dings. Forty years of existence and the doll house has never been painted or finished. I have decided to take on the project with my children. Passing on my passion for handmade to my children in the process. My idea is to paint and finish the interior of the house then make all the furniture and objects on the inside. All the while keeping you updated here on my blog under the label Project Handmade House.

1 comment:

Juliane | Fröken Skicklig said...

Oh, I am looking so much forward new pictures! Such a lovely doll house (already, even unfinished), such a lovely story behind...


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